案例標題 : 溫蒂漢堡餐廳於莫斯科的數位菜單應用

案例類別 : 零售

發佈時間 : 2017-05-17

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Wendy's Quick Service Restaurant 
”溫蒂的核心價值 - 品質就是我們的食譜”是溫蒂一個永續性的員工及分店的經營方針。這同時也是在選擇店面的設計和解決方案時的方針。”- Wenrus餐飲集團(溫蒂)行銷經理Tatyana Meksicheva
Wendy’s is an international fast food chain restaurant with over 6,600 restaurants worldwide, with its main establishments across the US. In 2011 Wendy’s celebrated the opening of its flagship restaurant located in Moscow’s historic Arbat District. To enhance and coordinate their promotions, Wendy’s decided to implement digital menu boards throughout their chain with the help of AOPEN.
Wendy's has now chosen to implement digital menuboards throughout their QSR chain. 

Key Benefits
A reliable solution with a proven track record
Easy control and content management for all QSR
Attractive design to promote the brand identity

實施單位:設備提供商: AOPEN
終端使用者:Wendy's Quick Service Restaurant

The company was willing to use innovative technologies managing contents on digital menu screens. They needed a system that would allow them to display information at the right place and the right time, controlled from a single point of contact in order to have overall and easy control to manage the content on the displays, with the possibility to run different content per display. According to Tatyana Meksicheva, Marketing Director at Wenrus Restaurant Group,  “We believe we should create friendly and attractive environments for our customers. Quality and innovation are the key elements for us to maintain the Wendy’s brand identity and serve our customers in a better way.”
每個溫蒂餐廳有5至6台 LG 4225CCBA 42吋顯示器和三台AOPEN的數位引擎DE7000媒體播放器,包含Dismart自己的軟體和內容管理系統用來顯示溫蒂的制式菜單,並做為每一地區之每日播放宣傳影片與特殊優惠之用。Dismart選擇最好品質和功能的硬體,依客戶的意願執行。溫蒂的需求是可以從單一位置來控制在俄羅斯各地的餐廳所有知內容管理系統。Dismart經理Denis Savelyev表示“在決策過程中硬體的可靠性和耐用性起了關鍵作用,因此Dismart選擇使用能全年無休的操作系統。”

Each Wendy’s restaurant has five to six LG4225CCBA 42” displays and three AOPEN Digital Engine DE7000 media players including Dismart’s own software and content management system showing Wendy’s custom-made menu for every region, special offers of the day and promotional movies. Dismart has chosen the hardware that offered the best quality and functionality, keeping in mind the wishes of the customer. Wendy’s needed a system that could be managed from a single location to control all the content in the different restaurants across Russia. “Reliability and durability of the hardware played a key role in the decision making process, therefore Dismart chose to use only the best for 24/7 continious operation”, according to Denis Savelyev, Director at Dismart.
The AOPEN Digital Engine DE7000 is a reliable and powerful media player, designed for 24/7 operation time. The restaurant space is used effectively, therefore there is only limited space for the total solution. The Digital Engine has a standard unique Small Form Factor and can be hidden behind the display using no extra space between the wall and display. The Digital Engine is unique for its total package: small in size, extremely powerful and 24/7 reliability. Because of the semi-industrial design it is perfect for integration in different environments, like at Wendy’s in the kitchen for instance.

聯絡人資料:Amy Huang, amyhuang@aopen.com, +886-2-77101195

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